
Pinhole glasses visual training Modern Black in Red

The Modern Black in Red DUAL DREAM ® pinhole glasses are a CE class 1 visual education medical device with registered trademark for relaxation, training and improving vision in a natural way according to the principles of the Bates method.

Original price was: €48.00.Current price is: €38.40.


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The Modern Black in Red DUAL DREAM ® pinhole glasses are a CE class 1 medical device for visual education and a registered trademark for the production, distribution and sale of pinhole training glasses for relaxation and improving vision in a natural way according to the principles of the Bates method.

The package contains:

– 1 pair of Modern Black pinhole glasses in Red Dual Dream ®

– a description of the product,

– a Snallen chart for measuring vision and checking progress,

– Shockproof hard case.

Modern Black in Red Dual Dream ® Technical Sheet:

– Always up-to-date, resistant and comfortable unisex frame.

– Width: 140 mm.

– Length of the rods: 100 mm.

– Bridge width: 14 mm.

– Screen height: 40 mm.

To obtain maximum precision in the quality of the pinhole and exercise correct visual training, Dual Dream ® uses exclusively screens in certified non-toxic material for its pinhole glasses as per the technical data sheet, produced in Italy and drilled one hole at a time mechanically to cold, with a cylindrical shape and perfectly perpendicular to the axis, distributed according to a precise honeycomb pattern (pyramidal structure) and with maximum precision calibration.

The screens thus obtained are of the highest quality and absolute precision, guaranteeing a visual exercise of maximum effectiveness, and this leads the Dual Dream® pinhole glasses to be considered among the best pinhole glasses produced in Italy and recommended to an audience who has take care of the health of your eyes.


DUAL DREAM ® pinhole glasses, known abroad as Rasterbrille or Pinholes glasses, help reduce dependence on graduated lenses and do not force the eyes to maintain tense attitudes caused by vision difficulties, they are particularly suitable for preventing, relaxing and improving visual defects in the eyes.

Initially, as soon as you put on the DUAL DREAM ® glasses with pinholes, you experience a bit of imbalance until the brain memorizes the new dimension, after which the focus will be instantaneous and the micro-perforated screen will almost disappear, leaving only a slight hatching visible.

The Modern Black in Red DUAL DREAM ® perforated glasses should be used in bright environments even while carrying out normal daily activities such as reading, writing, working on the computer or watching TV.  We start with 10-15 minutes a day and reach a maximum of 2-3 non-continuous hours.

To achieve vision improvement, constant use for at least 5-6 months is essential.

What are pinhole glasses and what are they for?

Pinhole glasses, known abroad as Rasterbrille or Pinholes glasses, are a visual aid and passive ocular gymnastics tool, which help reduce dependence on graduated lenses and do not force the eyes to maintain tense attitudes caused by difficulty seeing , are particularly suitable for preventing, relaxing and improving visual defects in the eyes by eliminating excessive fatigue, fixity, tiredness and sensitivity of the eyes.

When a person with myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia or astigmatism disorders looks through the cylindrical holes, in order to focus the images he must necessarily make very small movements called induced eye movement or saccadic movement, in short a sort of real passive gymnastics for the purposes of training and rehabilitating the muscles surrounding the eye. Traditional prescription lenses obviously do not perform this function, on the contrary they cause people to lose elasticity of movement, making the muscles lazy and stiff.

Unlike common eyeglasses, instead of lenses they have black screens with small holes of calibrated size and distributed according to a precise honeycomb pattern. The cylindrical holes allow only direct light rays to pass, eliminating the oblique ones that cause refractive error and give blurry vision.

With this method the amount of light decreases while the depth of field increases and consequently the images that were previously blurry now become sharper and clearer. Oblique light rays do not cause problems if you have good vision, because the eye is able to make them converge in the right place, that is, on the central part of the retina, but in an eye with refractive defects the oblique rays do not focus correctly and create the typical blurry image.

Let’s see in more detail and briefly analyze how they work.

Perforated glasses induce the extraocular muscles to move and relax through a dual function of aid and stimulation:

– Help thanks to the greater sharpness and depth of field that is obtained by looking through the pinhole, and which can be noticed from the first time you wear it.

– Stimulation since the eye looking through the perforated screen of the pinhole glasses only sees well through one hole, and this changes continuously, the extraocular muscles are naturally stimulated to a continuous and fast movement through the holes in an attempt to maintain constant focus acquired effortlessly.

In this way, functionality and visual quality are reactivated, counteracting the stiffening and muscular laziness that is created in the eye and causes many disorders.

We can therefore say that perforated pinhole glasses are a real “gym for our eyes” which helps us keep our eyesight healthy on a daily basis.

They are an effective aid for those suffering from refractive disorders such as myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia or astigmatism and it is important to know that the improvement can vary from person to person based on individual physiology.

To obtain satisfactory results, gradualness and consistency are required, just like in any other gymnastics, you start by using the pinhole glasses 10-15 minutes a day, increasing the times of use as your eyes gain confidence with the new dimension of seeing. , without ever forcing the eye to work, the eye must take advantage of the help in focusing and must relax, finally managing to function faster, more precisely and free from tension.

With movement our body sends a message of well-being to the mind and, in welcoming it, the mind allows the body to change wrong attitudes to re-establish new more functional habits, this applies as much to the eye as to any other muscle of the body our body.

With correct use of pinhole glasses we can already notice some important benefits for the health of our eyes after some time:

  • Increased vitality of the ocular muscles, elimination of fixity
  • Decreased effort in focusing
  • Reduction of heartburn, sense of tiredness and migraines due to visual strain
  • Less eye dryness, better oxygenation and lubrication of the eyes
  • Stabilization and improvement of visual disorders such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia.

Pinhole glasses train our eyes to see better by performing the function of

  • Ocular gymnastics:

It induces the ocular muscles to work in a relaxed way, eliminating tension and blockages, the perforated pinhole glasses stimulate saccadic movements, counteracting a progressive impoverishment of visual abilities.

  • Visual rehabilitation:

The holes in pinhole glasses force the eye to look for light, encouraging continuous micro-movements which constitute excellent gymnastics for the purposes of visual rehabilitation.

  • Improved visual abilities:

The shape of the black screens which replace the classic lenses and the cylindrical holes with the particular honeycomb distribution, ensure that the light rays reaching the pupil are all perpendicular to the axis of vision and do not require accommodation, increasing the depth of field and the refractive error is eliminated thus allowing greater visual acuity.


The use of pinhole glasses while driving any vehicle is absolutely prohibited.

They should never be used in dimly lit environments to avoid the risk of unnecessarily straining the eyes.

They do not protect against UV rays, although they can be used outdoors, making sure you never look directly at the sun.

These are the main warnings, correct use of pinhole glasses does not cause any problems, there are many positive experiences that confirm the validity of the method and the device over time.

If in doubt, consult your eye doctor and ask for his opinion on the matter

In ancient times

The principle of the “pinhole” (and the “camera obscura” connected to it) were already studied in the 9th century by the Arab philosopher and scientist Al Kindi in a treatise (De Aspectibus) which has come down to us thanks to the translation carried out in the 12th century by Gherardo from Cremona, who illustrated its properties according to precise mathematical references.

In the Middle Ages

The first to compare the functioning of the pinhole (and the camera obscura) to the functioning of the human eye was Leonardo Da Vinci in 1515 in his “Atlantic Codex”, in which Leonardo intended to demonstrate that images have a punctiform nature, they propagate in a rectilinear and are inverted by the pinhole, leading to the hypothesis that even inside the human eye there was a similar reversal of the image, broadening the field of studies and applications of the pinhole.

Yesterday and today

Instead, it was an American ophthalmologist, Dr. William Horatio Bates, in the first half of the last century who, in search of a functional and rehabilitative approach to vision and an alternative to the use of glasses, combined the pinhole with the glasses through the use of perforated (pinhole) black screens instead of graduated lenses.

According to Dr. Bates’ theory, prescription lenses, although they help us in many circumstances of life, do not cure visual impairment, becoming like a prison in which we unconsciously decide to lock our eyes!

Over time they spoil the eye causing stiffening and laziness in the ocular muscles, the consequent decline in visual capacity over time leads to the use of increasingly stronger lenses, it is a path that takes us away from healing and, in fact, they do not cure the disorder, but they get worse over time.

From this assumption, and from the search for non-invasive solutions that would help the eye to regain its functions, originated the writings and exercises collected and described in his book “Seeing well without glasses” (The Bates method for better eyesight without glasses, New York 1940) and in what is still known and practiced today as the Bates Method.

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