Caratterestiche di queste scarpe
Realizzati con pelle ecologica di provenienza sostenibile, tinta con coloranti vegetali privi di cromo, a base d’acqua e non tossici; Colla di argilla naturale invece di colle sintetiche e filo di cotone imbevuto di cera d’api che legano il tutto. Rispettoso dell’ambiente e della salute di chi lo indossa.
- Unisex adatti a uomini donne e bambini
- Tomaia in pelle di vitello conciata al vegetale naturale.
- Fodera interna in pelle conciata al vegetale naturale.
- rinforzo il pelle morbida in zona tallone per evitare abrasione.
- Soletta e Suola in pelle di bufala morbida trattata con acqua.
- Aggiunta nella suola di 1 mm di gomma naturale per dare più grip.
- Fornita con sacca porta scarpe.
- Spessore totale 9mm tra intersuola e suola
Metodi di Produzione
Tutta la produzione è fatta a mano al 100%, 1 artigiano può realizzare 20 paia al giorno. Ogni paio di scarpe impiega 4 giorni dall’inizio produzione alla fine.
1. Il Taglio delle pelli è eseguita con speciali stampi di taglio fatti a mano e ogni taglia ha i suoi stampi.
2. La pelle viene cucita per creare gli orli e per collegarla ai diversi strati.
3. Le scarpe vengono poi messe in forno per 15 minuti a 80°
4. Viene inserita la suola in cuoio e cucita assieme all’intersuola.
5. Viene incollata la suola di gomma naturale flessibilissima intercambiabile in futuro.
Queste scarpe visto sono naturali e non trattate chimicamente, garantiscono migliore traspirazione e morbidezza man mano le si utilzzano, prendendo pian piano la propria forma del piede. Sarà normale sentirle rigide subito ma è solo questione di pochi giorni perchè si ammorbidiscano. La pelle bagnandola assorbe l’acqua (cosa normale per pelli non trattate che garantiscono traspirazione) ma sarà di facile asciugatura. Consigliato non stare troppo con i piedi nel bagnato per far durare di più il prodotto. Devono vestire larghe almeno 0,5/0,8cm in più della propria misura del peide visto che fisiologicamente il piede si allunga nel movimento ad ogni passo. Non è consigliato indossarle con calze strette, elastiche ma con calzini con dita, larghe davanti, in tessuti naturali. Le potrai utilizzare anche senza calzini tranquillamente una volta adattate al tuo piede. Pulirle con acqua e lucidarle (spazzolarla per pelle nabuk) con prodotti a base d’acqua così da non comprometterne la traspirabilità. Utilizzare grassi renderà si la pelle più impermabile ma meno traspirante.. (a voi la scelta). Durano nel tempo se il piede riprende il suo naturale movimento e non stresserà troppo la scarpa. Tenere controllata la suola per eventuali consumi così da poterla portare a risuolare con nuova gomma o pelle che potrà ataccare con semplicità qualsiasi artigiano specializzato.
Potete acquistare la suola da ripristinare direttamente su questo sito.
Sizing & Fitting
Barefoot shoes must have space for the foot to move.
We have been too used to constricting, closed shoes and obviously the foot inside could not move and was forced to make wrong movements. This is why we always bought shoes that fit the right way to avoid the risk of blisters.
On the other hand, when the foot is no longer blocked, it can finally open and adapt to different demands and conditions of movement. Physiologically, the toes must be widened, so the use of wide non-elastic socks is recommended.
they can also be used without socks thanks to the natural materials they are made of and the fact that the feet have freedom of movement.
To choose the correct number, make sure you measure your foot (the longest one if they are different) by placing your heel against the wall and marking with a pen on the ground where the longest toe arrives. Now with a ruler measure the length in cm from the wall to the mark. This is your static foot length.
Given that during the movement the foot physiologically lengthens, in addition it could also gain a few mm over time (especially those new to these shoes) option to buy at least 0.5 0.8 cm more than the measure just detected.
for example my foot is 25.5 cm long, the n 40 (25.8) would be very risky, therefore the 41 (26.5cm) would be ideal and recommended. Initially you will feel it wide but trust that in a short time that space will be filled by your foot that finds its natural space.
We have chosen to produce the Scalzature with different types of outsoles. In fact, for some models you can choose between 2 types; buff sole plus rubber or buffalo leather outsole only.
Why buffalo leather outsole??
Buffalo leather is the most natural material we can put under our feet because it is flexible (compared to leather which is rigid) and conductive (something that plastics cannot have) . After all, we are born to be grounded and not insulated by plastics. Untreated buffalo leather with its similar characteristics to ours can provide us with connective and functional functions that no other material can ever give us. A continuation of our skin that unfortunately can never be thickened as it should be by nature.
This material allows the sole to wrap around your foot, following its movements without altering its functionality. Rubber soles have a more elastic response sometimes inhibiting our perceptive and functional functions.
The sole breathes and connects to the ground and never makes your feet sweat, creating an ideal microclimate free of odour and bacteria. Obviously, if sweat has to pass from the inside to the outside, water in the opposite phase also seeps in, moistening the sole with ease. This penetration, however, does not occur immediately, given the consistent thickness of the sole, which is why we can use it during leisure time and in all weather conditions, but it is not one suitable for being immersed in water for a long time..
In situations of unnatural smooth surfaces you might slip more than with other soles but its softness and large working surface makes it definitely better than normal 8-rigid leather, very smooth and water-repellent. When used on different surfaces, the sole gets scratched, and for those who want to, they can scratch it further with a scraper to make it rougher and obviously with more grip. For hundreds of years our predecessors used this technique precisely because the only material was leather to be put under the shoes.
For those who like to dance, this sole is the absolute best, in fact it is used by many top international dancers. In case of too much slipping, just wet it with a little water underneath to get a little more grip. Once worn out, this sole can be easily restored by attaching 1 mm of buffalo to it by your trusted shoemaker.
Additional natural rubber..
2 mm of additional natural rubber (no plastic) in addition to the buffalo outsole itself. This choice certainly guarantees more grip in different situations, but slightly diminishes the perceptive, functional, and breathability characteristics.. As far as durability is concerned, we have found that the outsole in buffalo has a longer lifespan than the outsole with the additional rubber, because the minimal slipping and less grip prevents wear. In the case of excessive wear and tear in a short time of both types of outsole, the cause will surely be found in your movements that have not yet been corrected or need to be restored. The naturalness and adaptability of these materials respect our movements and if these are not correct, obviously wear and tear will be inevitable and greater also because the materials are more natural and respectful… . We are of the opinion that looking for stiffer or more durable materials when we wear a lot is a wrong solution that will only lead us away from listening to our correct movements that instead warn us with wear that we are doing it wrong.
If you ask us whether a rubber outsole or a buffalo outsole lasts longer, we can’t answer you, it all depends on how you lean, your movements and your usage. We have people who have been using leather outsoles for 3 years without a problem without wearing them out, and those who use rubber outsoles wear them out in a few months…
The outsoles can be replaced once worn out (you can find them for sale on our portal) you can decide whether to replace it with leather or rubber…
In this table we have highlighted the characteristics and differences of the two outsoles.